Posts tagged dharma
Dharma Series: Discovering Your Truth

By: Tahlia Rubin

“Yoga teaching has illuminated this dynamic and my perfectionist tendencies rooted in fears of being judged for not knowing everything, for not being liked or for being perceived as “weird”. Ultimately, these fears sketch a pattern of struggling with self-acceptance and fighting my true nature in an attempt to be someone other than myself. ”

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Self Study: 8 Tips to Learn Yourself

By: Eleanor Hadley

“I’ve been doing this work, this internal work, for years now. A friend asked me recently when the work stops. The answer is, it doesn’t. There is always more to learn, more room for you to grow and evolve.”

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Passion to Purpose: A Journey to the Unknown

By: Jessi Luna

"In my eight years leading groups through transformative retreats, workshops, and teacher trainings, the tears always flow when asking questions of being faced with The Unknown: What can I give to this world? How can I unearth my true self from the false beliefs it’s buried under? How can I stand out with my skills and knowledge? How can I discover my unique gifts in this lifetime? What is my purpose, my dharma, my path?"

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Dharma Series: Ashley's Dive Yoga Series

By: Ashley Rossy

"I thought great, my project would be geared toward writing and creating PADI's very first, "Dive-Yoga distinctive specialty". With this specialty, people could get certified to practice this perfect collaboration and I could extend it all over the world. But wait, it's 2018... how could no-one have come up with this idea already?"

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Kula Dharma Grant & 300hr YTT Karma Project

By: Sanni Shukraya

"As I already had a longer Unconditional Love project running in Finland, I decided to deepen it with Kula 300h YTT project request and give a bit more of my time for it for the last two months. As I sat down to meditate upon it I did receive an impression to organize something around gratitude as well as free expression and dance. I suggested my ideas for the Multicultural Center that we are collaborating with and they welcomed it with open heart."

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