Kula Coaching


kula coaching, living purpose

This program is designed to empower you to embark on or carry forward your process of personal transformation. Whether you're looking for support to refine and implement a new idea, seeking to explore and overcome an emerging challenge in your life or deepen your knowledge in a particular aspect of Yoga, this program is designed for you.

Our Kula Coaching program includes clear one-on-one coaching packages that are designed to empower you. We offer high quality, experienced coaches who are invested in your personal development. We offer multiple coaches with different specialties to cater to your individual preferences and help bring motivation and clarity in any area of life.

Our coaches are trained in Co-Active Coaching, which sees the coaching space as impartial, open, non-judgmental and driven by the client. We trust in your wholeness, and we know that no challenge is limited to just one aspect of a person but rather integrated and impactful throughout your life.

We defer to you as the true knower of yourself and your needs; with that in mind, our process is designed around helping you to discover your own solutions, through impartial presence, informed inquiry, pertinent questions and ongoing, goal-oriented support.  Our coaches provide tailored outcomes according to your needs and the level of service chosen and so you can gain clarity and live to your fullest potential.

Why Kula Coaching?

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  • Experience impartial, non-judgmental support for any area of your life

  • Get crystal clear on your goals and set achievable steps to get you there

  • Clarify your values and align your choices to build more fulfillment in what you are doing

  • Identify areas of strength and challenge to bring more balance into your life

  • Feel supported in a process and build a structure for self-development

  • Clarify action steps for a project, whether it is in the ideas stage, a stagnated moment of development or needing focus for completion

  • Feel held in a positive, ongoing support system

  • Build accountability to yourself and your coach in order to provide momentum, motivation and enthusiasm

  • Feel the presence of an unbiased mentor who is invested in your self development and personal transformation


  1. Browse the Kula Coach Profiles.

  2. Register on your preferred Kula Coach’s registration page.

  3. If you are unsure about which coach you want to work with, register using the contact form below.

  4. For non-alumni, receive a free 30 min consultation to find out how future sessions can best suit your needs. (Optional)

  5. Your Coach will connect with you and set up your first call!

Profiles & Packages

randi schiffman, bio

Randi Schiffman

Randi’s open heart, affectionate manner and infectious laugh create an instant environment of friendship and authenticity. A true pollinator of people, her direct communication, sense of humor and energizing, activating manner allow for deep work to be done with a sense of playful acceptance for what is.

Her passion for alignment and anatomy combined with her skill in creative sequencing lets her offer powerful classes, incorporating skilled assistance and adjustments that draw on her extensive Thai Massage experience to offer a truly therapeutic approach to asana.

Randi is an avid Bhakti practitioner and combines mantra with breath work, therapeutic alignment and sacred flow movement. Her embodied and empowered approach to life provides an inspiration to students, encouraging all to access their inner wisdom through authenticity and radical self love.

As a coach, Randi offers clear and succinct FeedForward to identify areas for growth, alongside rich intuition and joyful and empowering guidance. She offers one-on-one connections focusing on the art of touch and assists, anatomy, alignment, creative sequencing, marketing, personal promotion, personal organization and scheduling, therapeutic yoga and general clarity in direction.

CJ Ananda, bio

CJ Ananda Page

Ananda’s deep connection to life is palpable, and it is inspiration enough just to be in her presence, soaking up her joy for life and her trust in spirit. Rooted in the present moment, her ability to channel limitless love and light inspires people to realise their power and manifest their dreams.  A master manifester, she chooses joy every day and has a long history of bringing her dreams into reality, including the role of Marketing Director of Aveda and co-creator of Present Moment Retreat in Mexico.

A powerful priestess and shamanic practitioner, her work with earth medicine and her passion for cleansing and purification makes her classes, spaces and everyday living into a ceremony. She is dedicated to her practice and is a channel for the wisdom of her teachers.

As a coach, Ananda offers deep compassion and presence, listening and responding as the true space holder she is. With master organizational skills, patience, dedication and an inherent trust in the boundary-less, loving nature of the universe, Ananda offers gentle empowerment, affirmation and inspiration.

zachary towne smith, kula coach

Zachary Townesmith

Zach is a passionate advocate of a more equal and just world, dedicating a large portion of his energy towards the empowerment of individuals and communities and his strategic consultation business, Caracol Consulting.

A Harvard graduate, Zach’s lighthearted and playful manner encourage creativity, inspiring through his own experience as a musician, community organizer and expert facilitator. His authentic, brotherly manner brings people together and helps them to align with their dharma in a caring, compassionate and passionate way.

As a coach, Zach offers strong direction in following dreams and finding clarity and awareness of personal flow, whether it be a specific project that needs expanding or a life simply looking for focus. Through his work in strategic planning and life flow design, he facilitates passionate engagement that results in clear directives and inspired action.  

kula coach, hayley saraswati

Hayley Saraswatī

Saraswati’s powerful energy can be seen in her direct, conscious manner of communication, her effortless efficiency and her clear manifestation and visioning. Founder of successful retreat center The Yoga Forest in Guatemala, Saraswati clearly demonstrates the ability to dream one’s world into being through conscious expression, connection to Earth wisdom and community collaboration.

Equanimous and graceful, Saraswati knows how to create and hold transformational spaces and flow within them. A goddess of Bhakti yoga, her creativity and eloquence show in her embodied wisdom through song, ceremony and prayer. Passionate to share yoga as a balanced art form, her holistic practice design weaves all traditional paths into modern styles and focuses in artistic sequencing and theme weaving.

Embodying the creator’s essence, she loves to design and facilitate holistic transformational experiences within classes, retreats and courses. As a coach, Saraswati also has much to offer in the field of small business, visioning, setting goals and manifesting dreams. Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, her efficiency skills offer much to learn from, and Saraswati’s presence and clarity make her an inspiring teacher and powerful leader.

coby hadas, kula coach

Coby Hadas

Coby’s grounded and yet uplifting presence can be felt in the stability behind many of the Kula offerings. His funny, personable, and genuine way of offering himself puts those around him at ease, feeling nurtured and supported to rise up into their potential. With a spiritual practice in the exploration of shamanism and grounded in reality, Coby offers behind the scenes leadership that supports a strong sense of family and community and honors the medicine of the earth.

As a coach, Coby offers an activating and encouraging presence, able to help clarify processes and inspire a positive outlook. An intelligent ideator, Coby is often able to see the big picture and what is needed to manifest visions into reality, even gracefully able to play the devil’s advocate when it is beneficial for raising awareness.

jessi luna, kula coach

Jessi Luna

Jessi’s vivacious presence offers patience, compassionate communication, tenacity, and a powerful sense of motivation. Jessi is a master of organization, bringing together teams and encouraging all with her huge capacity for achieving goals and her attention to detail.

With a practice focused on embodied movement and graceful flow, she brings humility and creativity together with a fierce belief in her purpose, manifesting not only Kula Collective but also the Seven Springs Retreat in Tennessee and her conscious clothing business, JUSTA/Global Just Designs.

As a coach, Jessi offers conscious communication and a visionary’s clarification, able to identify weak areas of a structure and creatively brainstorm and organize solutions. With endless compassion for just and global causes, Jessi’s experience in conscious business and her willingness to follow a job through to the end make her a powerful companion and guide.

jiya julia randall, kula coach

Jiya Julia Randall

Jiya’s free-flowing source of creativity and vibrant energy are an inspiration to many. Her writing, songwriting, creative problem solving, visioning and poetic teaching style expertly condense the communal spiritual journey and inner revelation. Her authentic voice and vulnerability are known for offering a compassionate and nurturing connection to those she works with.

With a strong practice rooted in Bhakti yoga, japa meditation, healing energetic alignment and spiritual creativity, she is a walking, dancing invitation to explore beyond the boundaries we create for ourselves. Approachable and eloquent, Jiya offers open-hearted and meaningful interactions, effortlessly distilling and communicating complex ideas.

As a coach, Jiya offers compassion, acceptance and an infectious encouragement, focused on supporting you to follow your dreams and expand creative manifestations. Her personal experience of deep physical and emotional transformational can support individual empowerment processes that may involve transcending self-confidence issues, depression, grief/personal loss, and creative blockages. In particular she focuses on a mix of self-love practices, creative commitment and motivation techniques, personal health and wellness optimization, physical and spiritual recovery plans, and the honing in on personal vision, passion and purpose. If you find yourself standing at the doorway but feeling blocked in moving forward, Jiya will help you remember your divine expression and infinite potential.


Krystalyn Norton

Krystalyn, empathic and intuitive, offers many years of life coaching experience, a wisdom that helped to create the foundation of the Kula Coaching platform. A talented artist, Krystalyn offers creative inspiration as well as compassionate, conscious communication, graceful reflection and a relatable presence. Grounded in ancient wisdom, her deep personal practice and reverence for her teachers is evident in an embodied authenticity.

As a coach, Krystalyn offers safe acceptance and an inspiring sense of presence. Calm, soothing and centered, Krystalyn is very effective at helping clients to identify the root issues within a situation and in setting clear, achievable goals for moving forward. Her insightful feedback and intuitive approach help reveal clarity with ease.


Emily Ray Henderson

Emily’s approachable presence and light nature bring an infectious energy and joy to the coaching process. Her nurturing and trustworthy approach quickly builds a strong relationship with her clients that helps to deepen the effectiveness of the session at the same time as allowing space for humor and authenticity.

As a coach, Emily’s depth of experience includes many years of counseling experience, which bring a deep sense of understanding and patience to her sessions, helping clients who wish to work through more emotional processes and build on their overall sense of holistic wellbeing. Combining many modalities, Emily’s accepting and compassionate nature provide a haven of presence and a depth of wisdom within the space.

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