Location: Eagle’s Nest Atitlan at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
We are all storytellers.
Some of us live in a fantasy,
Experiencing life through rose-colored glasses.
Longing for our princess or prince charming
To sweep us off our feet
Whisking us away from
the mundane monotony of everyday routine.
We lack motivation to get a job
Or deal with the repressed emotion
from not speaking our truth
Because we are too afraid
of letting the darkness
Consume our optimistic light
Blinding us from our true reality.
We are all storytellers.
Some of us live in an action film
A constant and steady stream of
tasks and travels and taxis
Assignments to accomplish, projects to present, and forms to fill
Beds to be made, meals to be cooked and clothes to be washed
Business and busyness buzzing our beings
With little rest or resolve
To dissolve into a space of revival
A space of nothingness
We are all storytellers.
Some of us live in a documentary,
Retelling some of our life’s greatest events of
Past wars,
Past triumphs,
Past relationships,
Past plans.
We attempt to relive the moments of ecstatic bliss
Only to fall short of what our
young bodies, minds and spirits
Felt in those experiences.
We tell of the past
Because we are stuck in moving forward in the present,
And aren’t facing what the future has to hold.
With inflated egos
And deflated souls
We press on,
Living in a constant land of memory.
We are all storytellers.
Some of us live in a dramatic soap opera,
Constantly feeding the fear of catastrophe
Gossip spreading like wild fire
Living in an exciting bubble
Filled with hot and fresh stories
Distracting us from our own pains
And struggles
Drowning our worries
In alcohol
In pipes
In night clubs
In selfies
To find our worth in
Being a part of an intricate maze
Of meaningless magazines
And buzzing billboards
Leading to
Relationship rubble
With others
And self.
We are all storytellers.
Some of us live in a horror film,
Experiencing our lives through shaded sunglasses.
A cloud of misery circling over our heads
With negativity spewing from our every word
Pessimism pushing people into our perimeter
Sabotaging spirits and self
By letting tragedy and turmoil
Reside in our hearts
Closing the doors to allowing
Dreams and possibilities
To bring joy to dark eyes
and broken hearts.
We are all storytellers.
Some of us live in an adventure film
Traveling from country to country
Fast friendships and exciting encounters
Aimlessly wandering in search of our souls
Consciousness evolving but
Commitment difficult
As we struggle to get grounded
When there is always
Another site to see
Another language to learn
Another tour to take
Another relationship to be revealed
But with no plans of a future
And only senses to appeal.
We are all storytellers.
I was told I was a storyteller
Relying a different story
Not fitting in a genre
Not meeting criticizing criteria
Yet exceeding beyond boundaries
Letting spirit guide my story
Fearless, bold and living loud
Letting a masterpiece be crafted
Unfolding as a vessel
of unconditional love and light
Traveling with purpose
Opportunities opening
Being in a state
Of flow
Of flourishing
Of frolicking
In the bliss
In the stillness
In the quiet
Of the present
Of the empty space
That unites all of our being
To each star
To each planet
To each creature
To the universe
To all of creation
And our creator.
We are all storytellers.
We all tell unique stories,
Maybe multiple stories,
Some in different genres,
Some with no criteria,
With different perspective and insight,
All with the end goal to have
Our voices heard and
Our souls sung
with eyes of understanding
smiles of acceptance
and hearts full of
and peace.
We are all storytellers.
What’s your story?
Let your story tell of traveling adventures and yoga inspiration and flow by attending one of our upcoming retreats or yoga teacher trainings.
Jill is a health enthusiast passionate about holistic living through being conscious of the mind, body and spirit connection. She is a free-spirited yoga teacher and sound healer that embraces any adventure that comes her way, whether that is rock climbing, paddle boarding, waterfall rappelling, cliff jumping or learning a new inversion. She finds balance and inspiration in her happy place of being in nature and swimming in the ocean. She ensures that everything she does is in alignment with her truth – to share her heart with others in a vulnerable way in order to spread positivity and unconditional love and light.
She loves to travel and learn from other cultures and the experiences of new people she meets along the way. She loves to be creative through writing, flowing through yoga sequences, playing the harp, and learning new things. Her bold and bright spirit leads the way in helping shape her simple, community-based and nomadic life where she can inspire, teach and motivate others to live with mindfulness and purpose.